Pricing and offering
As every company has a different pricing policy, CCG Profiles uses various formulae to calculate the costing, depending on each company's pricing practice. These formulae include additional capabilities to calculate:
- Discounts for a particular module or the entire order;
- Services - delivery, installation, etc.
- Cost of additional materials - foam, dubels, etc.
- Various currencies and rates of exchange;
- The price of an order when different profile systems are used.
Defining groups allows for a price change (either by per cent or cost) of every item within a group at once.
CCG Profiles automatically generates an offer for the customer, calculating the price using pre-defined formula. Changing the formula automatically leads to price recalculation. Additional costs for services can be included (delivery, installation, etc.) or price discount for a particular module, or the entire order. The offer can be customized according to company and customer data and other information (a company logo, additional attributes, etc.).
Profiles exports offers to a .doc (Word, OpenOffice) file with possibilities for further formatting.